And So It Begins
This blog was born out of my frustration with the mainstream media (big and small) and their indifference to the real news of the day - the issues that shape the quality of our lives and the way in which we form our opinions on those same issues. The main focus will be politicians and politics, especially as it pertains to life in a seaside community on the east Coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Yesterday, I was going through my old emails to politicians (and their responses, if any), 'Letters to the Editor' and 'Rants and Raves' and I was amazed by how much effort/time I had put into them and how little impact I seem to have made. If I do say so myself, many of them were quite good but, unfortunately, were edited so much as to change the meaning, not published at all or relegated to the back pages. An Ontario Superior Court judge has recently decided that "anyone who believes a campaign promise is naive about the democratic system" He went on to say that the place to make politicians pay for lying to us is at the ballot box but we all know how much damage they can do in the 3 to 5 years that they are elected for. To my idealistic way of thinking, politicians represent you and I, they are our 'servants' and to accept/allow them to lie to us (and have it sanctioned by the courts) is a perversion of democracy. Enough for now, let me know what you think.
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