Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Affront to Democracy Persists (And Is Spreading!!)!

Especially at this time of year when we remember and honour those who gave their lives to protect the freedoms that we might enjoy and with some of our fellow Canadians/sons and daughters still in harm's way (more than 70 of them having given their lives to-date) trying to bring 'democracy' to far-away countries, it is especially difficult to read words such as these:

Excerpt from Vancouver Sun article, Wed., Nov. 7/07 by Stephen Hume

Democracy can be plainly defined as government by collective consent of the governed. Consent requires free access to the information upon which those holding delegated authority base their decisions.
By definition, then, no genuine democracy conducts its affairs in secret. Yes, there are rare occasions when national security, fair judicial process, protection for vulnerable individuals and public safety may require temporary confidentiality.
But governments which routinely obstruct access to information regarding the reasons for -- and consequences of -- their administrative actions are frustrating public discussion of policy and its merits or failings.
If it's not possible for the public to engage in intelligent debate over what government is doing or not doing on its behalf, then it's not possible for those citizens to make informed decisions at the ballot box about who should govern.
Recent events in British Columbia point to an unhealthy political culture of secrecy, deception by omission, misleading half-truths, disingenuous dissimulation and sleazy spin-doctoring that grows on our provincial government like black mould.

What does this have to do with us here in Lantzville, you might ask? Well, for some insight into how our very own representatives are keeping us un/mis-informed, let me suggest that you read my previous blog entries:

Enjoying their status and finding things much easier if they restrict our access to information, our governments are not going to be the ones to change/remove this 'aura'/veil of secrecy. They are going to have to be told loudly, repeatedly and clearly what we, the rightful owners of the information in the first place and the people they serve are prepared to accept in this regard. Let me know what you personally are prepared to do to makes happen (using the 'Comments' button below this article - you may have to register with Blogger first - its free and painless).


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