Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why I Hate Politicians!!!

I submitted the piece below as a 'Letter to the Editor' to 11 British Columbia newspapers on Friday, May 8th - it is yet to be seen if any of them will publish it. The letter arose out of my frustration and deep concern with what we have allowed to become of our 'democratic' system. Part of our abdicating our responsibility to nurture and guard it is disillusionment with the system due to some of these same factors, part of it is lazyness, part of it is born out of self-interest in its most base form and part is the result of some of us sacrificing principles for power, position and/or money.

Dear Editor,
I hate politicians because...
-they have taken everything that was good and noble about democracy and debased it
-they don't represent their constituents, rather telling them how its going to be
-they only need us at election time and then use the power we give them to cater to special interests
-they have often lied their way to power, with the blessing of the courts
-they teach us that "the end justifies the means", having some of us sacrifice whatever principles we may have had to self-interest
-they form governments that think they can do whatever they want, even to the point of breaking the law
-they will never admit to being wrong, 'spinning' absolutely everything
-they use our own money to buy our votes
-they look after themselves and their friends before you and I
-they support undemocratic practices, believing that, one day, it will benefit them
-they make it necessary to read between the lines and listen for what isn't being said
But the thing I hate them for the most is that, every day, they make a mockery of what so many of our soldiers have died for.
And what about us, we never hold them accountable for any of it! On Tuesday, let's all support BC-STV so we can finally start changing this broken system and be able to vote without having to hold our noses.

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