Wise Words From Someone Who's Been There!
"I moved to Salt Spring partly to get away from small-town municipal politics. The same scenarios are enacted in small towns all across Canada-duly elected cliques, supported by the only newspaper in town, making decisions that clearly do not benefit the majority. Opposing voices being held to ridicule, or in some cases verbally abused to the point of libel. It does not have to happen here, but it could. Democracy requires ongoing public participation and vigilance. We do not, for the most part, use the current opportunities to participate in local government and there is no reason to suppose that will change after incorporation once the novelty wears off."
excerpted from Elizabeth White (Saltspring Island)
"No place in the world today remains special by accident!" Community Planner: E. McMahon
All it takes for bad things to happen is that good people do nothing! paraphrase of Edmund Burke
"Every political good carried to the extreme must be productive of evil." Mary Wollstonecraft
"Good people do not need the law to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the law." Plato
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