Fair Compensation or Feinted Indignation?
I had recently sent this 'Letter to the Editor' to about 3 dozen newspapers throughout B. C. Surprisingly enough, as far as I can tell, not ONE of them chose to run it in their paper. I have to assume that they didn't consider it of interest/relevance to their readers. If you want to know if your local paper was one of them, just leave me a message in the 'Comments' section below this piece (you will probably have to register first, if you aren't already signed up with Google)
Dear Editor,
So B. C. Transportation Minister, Kevin Falcon, took time out of his busy day to call the Chairperson of the B. C Ferries Board to express his concern about the 'exhorbitant' increases that they have just awarded themselves (33% for the Chair, +$35,000/yr.; 31% for the Vice-chair, +$15,000/yr.; 60% for the Directors, +$18,000/yr. - they also get $1500 for each of the approx. 6 Board meetings they attend each year). At least Ms. Harrison took his call and discussed the issue with him, unlike when he, along with the rest of the Liberal caucus, walked out on the debate on Bill 37 while members of the Opposition were speaking and then, after cutting off 'debate' after only 7 hours, voted to give themselves a 29% (+$21,900) annual raise [28%, +$31,900 for Cabinet members; 54%, +$65,200 for the Premier] plus a whole bunch of other 'perks' paid for by the taxpayer.
Pot. Kettle. Black!
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