Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thank You!!!

“No place in the world today remains special by accident”
Planner: E. McMahon

to the hundreds of Lantzvillagers who graciously received us at your doorsteps and discussed your opinions and concerns with us.
As a group of relative ‘unknowns’, we are proud of our positive campaign and feel honoured to have earned so many of your votes.
Our deep concern for the future of this very special, semi-rural community remains but the voters had a very clear choice and have now made it.
The ‘We Are Listening’ team
Yellow theme: Live fully and responsibly as what you are and learn to become.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Yet Another Point of Clarification! [Their 'All-Candidates' Meeting (Part II)]

On the front page of his website as at 10:10 pm 05 11 13, Mayor Haime writes: "Leanne Veres was the only one who sent a message expressing regrets."

As a matter of fact, after waiting 6 days for the Lantzville Log Society (the Treasurer of which is the Mayor's wife and candidate for Lantzville councillor, Denise) to select a moderator for me to consider in terms of suitability and capability, I sent, on Thurs., Nov. 10th, the following email to Linda Robinson, the member of the Lantzville Log Society board who had invited me to participate:

First of all, thank you for the invitation to the Candidates' meeting you have arranged for Sat., Nov. 12 at Costin Hall. As you know, I and others have already expressed serious concerns about the lack of impartiality on the part of the majority of the Lantzville Log Society Board, which is sponsoring the event. Also, I have yet to be informed of a moderator being chosen who is acceptable to all potential participants. Our team of candidates, who came together because we share a common concern that the wishes of the majority are not being respected in Lantzville, are out daily knocking on people's doors and hearing their concerns/issues, we have an office in Seaview Plaza where information is posted and people are welcome to drop in when someone is there, we have two internet presences where people can read about the issues and leave their comments, our phone numbers are all listed in the local directory and we are having our third opportunity for residents to meet us at Costin Hall mere hours before your meeting is scheduled, so I feel the public already has ample opportunity to get to know us as individuals, ask us questions and share their views with us. Therefore, once again, thank you for your invitation but I will NOT be attending the meeting the Lantzville Log Society has arranged for this Saturday night at Costin Hall. Based upon this, could you please arrange to cease referring to the meeting as an 'All-Candidates Meeting', in both your signage and any other advertising of the event.

While I technically did not use the word 'regrets' in my reply, I think you will agree that I did respectfully state that I would NOT be attending and I had never said that I would. I have also seen a copy of an email which councillor candidate Mark Wilson sent to Ms. Robinson and in which he says much the same thing and that he also won't be able to be there. You will need to judge for yourselves whether or not I should be held responsible for someone else's decision not to tell the residents of Lantzville this simple fact. Why can't Mr. Haime just be truthful about these things? I note further that I was ultimately only informed of the moderator candidate at 4:10 pm on Friday afternoon, a mere 15 hours before the start of this meeting.
I also think that it is worthy to note, in terms of assessing impartiality of the sponsor, that the previous editor of the Lantzville Log, Lyndon Allbury, was a sitting Trustee of the Lantzville Improvement District, serving with much of the current council.
If you want to 'blame' me for choosing not to attend, please consider that I have formulated my own campaign strategy based on my limited resources of time and money and, above all, I wanted to keep my focus on running a positive campaign. Also, you don't hear me complaining that they're not out meeting residents on their doorsteps, do you?

Hans J. Larsen
Lantzville councillor candidate

Friday, November 11, 2005

From The Mouth of Lantzville's Mayor...

If you want some idea of what Mayor Colin Haime has been telling others about the "joys of incorporation", check out these links from the Gabriola Sounder newspaper archives. Our erstwhile Mayor spent some time over there last fall, sharing Lantville's limited experience with incorporation with their residents, who were also considering gaining municipal status (they didn't do it!).
Especially have a look at what the Mayor says about conforming to the growth strategy of the region, our "excellent relationship with... Nanaimo", keeping Lantzville rural, amenity zoning, his 'take' on the Pender Island development and how it was approved and a municipal council being held accountable.

Does this give you a better idea of his principles and guiding philosophy or are there now contradictions which leave you confused?!

Hans J. Larsen
Candidate for Lantzville councillor

Friday, November 04, 2005

Another Point of Clarification! (Sewage Treatment)

Under the topic of 'Sewage Treatment', Lantzville's Mayor, Colin Haime says that "It is interesting to note how some people think when you say that you automatically mean connecting to (sic) treatment plant in Nanaimo. I have never said that. Council has never said that" (Colin's Comments #2 - Sept. 6/05).

The sewer grant application (Project Name: Sanitary Sewer Collection System), which the District has submitted to the provincial government to help pay for bringing collector sewers to 750 homes/businesses in the 'central' part of Lantzville, contains the following statements: "The system will eventually tie into the the existing RDN foreshore interceptor located at the foot of Shook (sic) Road." "The sewage can then be conveyed directly to the Greater Nanaimo WPCC where it will be treated before being released into the environment" (note: this facility is only an 'enhanced' primary treatment plant).

Now Mayor Haime would have you believe that this is just 'words' for the purposes of the application, since the province needed to be reassured that the collected sewage would be treated somewhere. What, then, are we to make of the following statements, also from the application? "Previous studies have concluded that the construction of an independent treatment plant and outfall to serve the Lantzville area would be too expensive." "It is also worth noting that the existing RDN interceptor and Greater Nanaimo WPCC were built with enough capacity to service the Lantzville area." Doesn't appear to leave much room to "investigate further options of... sewage treatment and disposal", in my opinion.
One of the investors in the Foothills project also told me directly that "Lantzville would be crazy" not to connect to the Nanaimo plant. Developers are all about minimizing risk to maximize profit potential whereas we, the public, may have other concerns/priorities.

Councillor Warren Griffey, in his campaign flyer, writes "(w)e have made great strides with the City of Nanaimo... cooperating on issues of water and sewer" and still Lantzville isn't going to the GNWPCC?! Also, if we do become serviced by both Nanaimo water and the Hammond Bay primary treatment plant, how long do you think the provincial government will allow us to remain separate in name only?

BTW, Mayor Haime, a Chartered Accountant, told me that he wrote the 'Topic of the Week' piece of 'Sewer vs. Septic Tanks' for the District's website (, where he selectively extracted pieces, none of which dealt with the pros/cons of the first part of the stated topic, out of various reports.

Hans J. Larsen
Candidate for Lantzville council

A Most Cynical Take On Democracy

Consider the following:

When School District 68 (Nanaimo-Ladysmith) recently found themselves with a retiring superintendant, instead of the Board, whose term expires at the end of November, making the decision as to who should replace him, they decided that the new Board of Trsutees should select his replacement.

Nanaimo city council, not normally the example one would point to in terms of promoting transparent and inclusive government, recently decided that, given the controversy surrounding the New Nanaimo Centre project, they would put on hold all 'unnecessary' work and expenditures having to do with it (except for the $200,000 'donation' from Lantzville). A newly-elected Council will get to make the decision on where that project goes from here.

Contrast this with the current situation in Lantzville:

With just two months to go before our municipal elections, our Council started in earnest the process of adopting the new OCP. We were then treated to 3 Public Hearings (only the first of which was broadly publicized) and 4 council meetings in the ensuing five and a half weeks, leading to the unanimous adoption of the 'final' Plan, without debate.
On Nov. 14, a mere 5 days before the election (and after one advance poll), Council has scheduled two Public Hearings on rezoning applications. The first deals with the proposal to locate a 250-student, private school (Aspengrove) off of Clark Drive in upper Lantzville and the second on a subdivision of a 5-acre piece on Manhatten Way, also in upper Lantzville, into 2 lots. Based on our experience with the Official Community Plan, I would lay better than even money that they will then have a council meeting immediately following to consider adoption of the rezoning bylaws for these properties since they only have 1 council meeting left, after that.

Let me know what you think? Does this show respect for the residents of Lantzville or is it another example of what has become support for a very cynical take on democracy?

Hans J. Larsen
Lantzville council Candidate