Thank You!!!
“No place in the world today remains special by accident”
Planner: E. McMahon
to the hundreds of Lantzvillagers who graciously received us at your doorsteps and discussed your opinions and concerns with us.
As a group of relative ‘unknowns’, we are proud of our positive campaign and feel honoured to have earned so many of your votes.
Our deep concern for the future of this very special, semi-rural community remains but the voters had a very clear choice and have now made it.
The ‘We Are Listening’ team
Yellow theme: Live fully and responsibly as what you are and learn to become.
Your worship Haime,
I must say that I don't quite understand this 'entitlement' you seem to have to receiving responses from certain members of our community. Residents should expect clear, complete and timely answers to their questions about the operation of their council from paid members of that council like yourself and our District staff but, as a totally volunteer resident working for the betterment of my community, I fail to see why I should be expected to provide you with anything.
I will not soon forgot how, back in 1999, the Lantzville Improvement District Board of Trustees, of which you were a member, virtually demanded a response from me on a voluntary survey regarding water issues in our community, at a time just after the death of my father-in-law. I not only received no condolences from any of you on that Board or your staff but I was criticized for not providing my survey response in what they apparently felt was a timely manner.
While on the subject, I have been waiting for a response from council (promised by you way back in July) to my questions regarding the specific rationale/justification for the density numbers and amenity bonusing features of the Official Community Plan. You have also been asked to provide the full criteria by which council selected the members of the OCP Steering Committee, which you have also not yet done. I have already answered your question about "(my) slate/slate leader" and told you what I know about how you, as RDN Director for Lantzville, voted on issues regarding the Jeffs' property becoming a densely commercialized piece of Nanaimo property {see my 'Comments' under Yet Another Point of Clarification! [Their 'All-Candidates' Meeting (Part II)]}.
I am also still waiting for answers to the other questions which I had posed on your website leading up to the adoption of the OCP and which you removed just before the first of three Public Hearings on it, only the first of which was widely publicized, including the facts behind how much involvement the Foothills Estates people had with the drafting of 'their' section of the OCP.
If you want to talk about "false statements", I suggest you look no further than your own campaign literature - the "I have never said that. Council has never said that" regarding sewage treatment would be a good place to start (see my 'Comments' under Another Point of Clarification! (Sewage Treatment)), as would your response to Mr. Alan Millbank regarding the composition of the Lantzville Log Society Board (you told him that no council member was on the Board but you neglected to tell him that your wife, Denise, who was running for council, was the Treasurer of that Board).
Your approach to describing my decisions regarding attendance at the 'Several'-Candidates meeting organized first by you and your fellow councillors and then by that same board could certainly also be considered less than truthful (see my 'Comments' under A Point of Clarification! [Their 'All-Candidates' Meeting] and Yet Another Point of Clarification! [Their 'All-Candidates' Meeting (Part II)]). As you yourself have said, you are a 'politician' now and you are falling right into that same 'bunker' mentality - don't give the people anything they don't ask for and never tell them more than you have to. A little transparency would be a refreshing change in this community right about now!
As to your question about whether or not I would agree the election results indicate that "the majority of Lantzville residents are in favour of the direction of the OCP", the short answer would be 'NO', if for no other reason than the simple fact that a majority of Lantzville residents didn't vote for any one of the candidates, but whether or not I spend any more of my valuable and limited time expanding on that for you will be up to me - NOT you!
Politician Haime,
First, you wrote,
I am interested on your opinion regarding the election? Now that it is over with...
I replied and now you have written,
Thank you for your response. It would have been nice to have received it before the election when you were running for public office.
Huh??? Do you perchance have access to a time-machine?
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